
11.2 Procedure for Communication with HHT
This section describes the HHT basic operations for communication between the flowmeter and HHT.
For details, refer to the HHT instruction manual.
* Carrying out the following preparatory operations to a commercially available PDA (OS: Windows
CE), the PDA can be used as a HHT.
Procedure Operation
Prepare a hand-held terminal (1)
Install the AF900 application software to a
commercially available PDA (OS: Windows CE) main
unit. Then insert the serial interface card supplied
with AF900 to the card slot of the PDA.
Prepare a hand-held terminal (2)
Connect the HART interface cable and serial interface
card supplied with AF900 to each other.
Connect the HHT
Connect the alligator clips at the end of the HART
interface cable to the current output line of the
converter via a load resistor.
Start the HHT
Turn on the power supply of the PDA to start the
AF900 application software.
Preliminary communication
Execute [sensor communication]. The model name of
the connected sensor product is automatically
identified and the converter menu screen appears.
Check or change the data
Press the relevant parameter button and check or
change the desired data.
Exit the communication
When all of the operations are complete, press the
[Exist Application] in the top screen to turn off the
power supply of the PDA.