Chapter 7 Programming
106 BAS-APG001-EN
(On/Off), self-test enable, and self-test reset. Damper direction and fan
state are set to Open/On for 5 minutes then Close/Off for 5 minutes.
There is also a “blink” function built into the program fragment.
Whenever the AST is enabled and there are no mechanical faults, the
trouble LED will blink.
Resetting mechanical system faults is somewhat ambiguous. If the fault
occurs in the smoke alarm mode, the alarm can be reset when the request
stops. However, an AST-based fault must be annunciated and held until
the fault is repaired. It is not clear what faults are allowed to clear the
alarm, as there is no “reset fault” function available on the smoke control
panel. Discussion with UL revealed that it is acceptable to annunciate the
alarm until the next AST. Thus, the selfTestFailReset binary variable,
shown in
Figure 56, is used to reset all AST triggered faults.
Figure 56. Mechanical reactions during AST