Figure 59 illustrates a basic actuator failure routine. Some changes are
necessary when automatic self-testing is added to the program. The
different ways of controlling an actuator have different means of resetting
a failure. The failure reset is automatic if a failure is discovered during an
automatic smoke alarm response or manual override from the smoke
control panel. The failure indication is only maintained while there is a
failure. On the other hand, the triggering of a system self-test, either
scheduled or manual, will reset any failures discovered during a previous
system self test.
Figure 60 and Figure 61 on page 111 show the changes
necessary to any dedicated system failure test routine. In either case, the
connected BCU should be programmed to store the actuator failure in the
alarm log.
Binary variable 21 goes true for a minimum of 10 seconds whenever a
system self-test is triggered (see
Figure 56 on page 106). This will reset
any stored failures from a previous system self-test.
Figure 60. ast actuator fail checka 3-13-06