Associated equipment
BAS-APG001-EN 23
The FSCS provides lights that show the mode of each zone and the status
of each piece of smoke control mechanical equipment. The status lights
must conform to a specific color code scheme (
Table 3).
Table 3. Pilot lamp color codes
Audible trouble indicator
The FSCS may provide an audible trouble indicator with a silence switch.
If provided, the indicator alerts personnel to system trouble.
Manual switches
The FSCS provides manual switches that operate smoke control system
fans and dampers. Normally, there is one manual switch for each piece of
equipment. However, in complex smoke control systems that have very
large fan systems, one switch may operate more than one piece of
equipment. This allows the smoke control system to coordinate smoke
control functions without damaging equipment. For example, the manual
switches that control large central fan systems may also operate the
mixing dampers to prevent tripping the high- and low-pressure cutouts.
Manual switches at the FSCS are either 2- or 3-position switches. Labels
show the current state of each switch (
Table 4).
Table 4. Switch state descriptions
Smoke control system equipment
The smoke control system receives alarm signals from the FACP and
manual command signals from the FSCS. On receiving alarm signals
and/or manual commands, the smoke control system controls the
mechanical smoke control equipment. Manual command signals from the
FSCS take priority over alarm signals.
Color Description
Green Fan On or damper Open
Red Fan Off or damper Closed
Yellow (or Amber) Verification of Operation Status light. Fan or
damper not in commanded position.
Switch state Equipment
ON-AUTO-OFF Fans controlled by the smoke control system or
other automatic control system
OPEN-AUTO-CLOSE Dampers controlled by the smoke control
system or other automatic control system
ON-OFF Fans only controlled from the FSCS
OPEN-CLOSE Dampers only controlled from the FSCS