UNT-IOM-6 17
2. Position and install the suspension rods or a suspension device
(supplied by installer) according to the unit size dimensions in
Figure 4 on page 15. Also refer to the weight range chart given in
Table 1.
3. On cabinet units, remove the bottom panel by using a 5/32 inch
Allen wrench to unscrew fasteners. Swing the panel down and lift
4. Level the unit by referencing the chassis end panels. Adjust the
suspension device.
5. Complete piping and wiring connections, in addition to any neces
sary ductwork as instructed in the following sections. Ensure that
the auxiliary drain pan is in position on fan-coil units.
6. Install the bottom panel before starting the unit.
7. Ensure condensate drain line is pitched 1 inch per 10 feet of pipe
away from fan-coil unit.
Table 1. Unit Operating Weights, pounds (kg)
Unit Cabinet Concealed Recessed Low Vertical Low Vertical
Size Models Models Models Cabinet Models Concealed
02 84 (38) 68 (31) 68 (31) NA NA
03 84 (38) 68 (31) 68 (31) 112 (51) 96 (44)
04 112 (51) 96 (44) 78 (35) 139 (63) 123 (56)
06 139 (63) 123 (56) 118 (54) 148 (67) 131 (59)
08 148 (67) 131 (59) 129 (59) NA NA
10 200 (91) 182 (83) 243 (110) NA NA
12 200 (91) 182 (83) 243 (110) NA NA
Note: All weights are approximate. Individual weights may vary depending upon the units options.