UNT-IOM-6 43
and ZN.510
Table 6. Binary Outputs
Binary Output Description Pin
BOP1 Fan high speed J1-1
BOP2 Fan medium speed J1-2
BOP3 Fan low speed J1-4
BOP4 Main valve J1-5
BOP5 Auxiliary valve/electric heat J1-6
BOP6 2-position fresh air damper J1-7
1. In a four-pipe application, BOP4 is used for cooling and BOP5 is
used for heating.
2. If no valves are ordered with the unit, the factory default for the
ZN.010 and ZN.510 controller are:
BOP4 configured as normally closed
BOP5 configured as normally open
3. If the fresh air damper option is not ordered on the unit, BOP6 will
be configured as none.
Binary Outputs
Table 5. Occupancy Sensor State Table
Sensor Type Sensor Position Unit Occupancy Mode
Normally Open Open Occupied
Normally Open Closed Unoccupied
Normally Closed Open Unoccupied
Normally Closed Closed Occupied