82 UNT-IOM-6
LED Operation
Red Service LED
Table 31. Red Service LED Activity
LED Activity Description
Off continuously after Normal operation
power is applied to the
On continuously, even when Someone is pressing the Service
power is first applied to the button or the controller has failed.
LED flashes about once Uninstall (normal controller mode).
every sec. Use Rover service tool to restore
normal unit operation.
Black Service push button Use the Service button to install the
ZN.520 controller in a
communication network.
Caution: If the Service push button is held down for more
than 15 seconds, the Tracer
ZN.520 controller will
uninstall itself from the ICS™ communication network
and shut down all unit operation. This mode is indicated
by the red Service LED flashing once every second. See
the Red Service LED section. Use Rover™ service tool to
restore the unit to normal operation. Refer to the Rover™
product literature for more information.