seri es 9 Decoding Computer System
Volume and Input
The volume can be controlled between 0 and 100. Each increment of 1 on the display is 0.5 dB, so the attenuation
range is from -50 dB at a volume setting of zero, to 0 dB at volume setting of 100. The display jumps to the
main screen whenever the volume or input is changed.
Mute is engaged by pressing the mute key on the remote control. The volume is set to zero by sending a stream
of zero data to the output, or by interrupting the output. When entering or leaving mute mode, the volume
ramps up or down such that it takes roughly 2 seconds to get from a volume of 100 to volume 0. Pressing mute
or volume up (but not volume down) disengages mute. Pressing Mute displays the main screen as shown:
No Data
If there is no digital signal present on the selected input, the display indicates this by flashing the name of the
input alternately with the words “NO DATA”:
L e v e l : 9 5 ( m u t e )
I N 2 : G l a s s O p t i c a l
L e v e l : 9 5
I N 2 : N o D a t a