Thank You
All of us at Wadia would like to offer thanks and congratulations to you for purchasing the Wadia series 9
Decoding Computer System. We sincerely believe that your Wadia series 9 Decoding Computer System will
bring you many years of musical pleasure and satisfaction.
While every new owner is anxious to begin listening, we encourage you to take a few minutes to read and
familiarize yourself with the full capabilities of the Wadia series 9 Decoding Computer System.
Brief History
Wadia was originally founded in 1988, making it one of the first high-end audio companies dedicated to digital
audio. Wadia was formed by a group of engineers who were committed to using advanced digital technology to
improve the performance of digital audio equipment.
Wadia’s first product, the Wadia 2000 Decoding Computer, was a breakthrough. For many listeners it proved the
viability of the Compact Disc as a musically involving format. Since then Wadia has continued to develop new
methods and technology. Each product resulted in a new standard of performance for digital audio decoding.
Here is an abbreviated list of the technological innovations Wadia engineers have pioneered:
• First company to introduce an outboard Digital-to-Analog converter
• First company to develop an audio optimized upsampling digital filter
• First company to apply glass fiber-optics to home audio
• First company to recognize clock-jitter as a source of audible distortion
• First company to test and apply mechanical de-tuning to the development of audio
component chassis design
• First company to offer a CD perfect digital volume control
• First company to develop a Direct to Digital Amplifier - PowerDAC
• Patented DigiMaster™ upsampling algorithm, optimized for reproducing music
• RocLock proprietary jitter reduction technology
• ClockLink™ proprietary jitter reduction technology
• SwiftCurrent™ zero-feedback current to voltage converter
• DirectConnect system to connect digital audio products directly to an amplifier
Although Wadia’s digital expertise and track record exceed those of any other audio company, technology alone
does not guarantee musical performance. Wadia designs are born of a delicate balance of technology shaped by
a passion for music.
Wadia is proud to introduce the Wadia series 9 Decoding Computer System, a breakthrough in sonic performance
and a strong statement of our years of dedication to music.