Configure Input Name
You can customize the name of any input to correspond to the type of component connected to it.
(E.g. In 1: Wadia 270 Transport)
As shipped from the factory, all input names correspond to the transmission format, for example:
“In 1: Glass Optical 1” or “In 4: COAX ”
How to do it:
To configure the name of an input, navigate to the Configure Input Name screen. Use the up and down arrows
to change each character to spell out the desired name. Use the right and left buttons to move to the next or
previous character in the word. When you have finished, press the “enter” key to move to the next screen.
Configuring Outputs
You can configure the Wadia 931 Digital Controller outputs to be either:
ClockLink Output
If you are connecting this output to a ClockLink input on either a Wadia source component or Reference
Decoding Computer.
Left Channel Mono
Should be used with the Wadia 921 Mono Reference Decoding Computer that is intended to be used for the
left channel.
Right Channel Mono
Should be used with the Wadia 921 Mono Reference Decoding Computer that is intended to be used for the
right channel.
If you do not intend to use this output. Due to slightly decreased power supply noise, turning unused outputs off
will result in a small increase in sonic performance.
I n p u t 4 N a m e
I N 4 : C o a x i a l