Basic Configuration The Audit Log and Alarm Log
The System Parameters menu allows you to select three different configuration
parameters for the Audit Log and Alarm Log. Note that the Audit Log and Alarm Log
function independently, and parameters selected for one log will not be applied to the
• Off: The Log is disabled, and command activity and/or alarm events will not be
• On - With Syslog: The Log is enabled, and power switching, reboot activity and/or
alarm events will be logged. The MPC will generate a Syslog Message every time a
Log record is created.
• On - Without Syslog: The Log is enabled, and power switching, reboot activity
and/or alarm events will be logged, but the MPC will not generate a Syslog
Message every time a Log record is created. (Default Setting.)
• In order for the Audit Log or Alarm Log to generate Syslog Messages,
Syslog Parameters must first be defined as described in Section 5.9 and
Section 11.1.
• The Audit Log will truncate usernames that are longer than 22 characters,
and display two dots (..) in place of the remaining characters. The Current Metering Log and Power Metering Log
The System Parameters menu allows you to enable or disable Current Metering and
Power Metering. When disabled, the MPC will not log current, power, voltage or
temperature readings.