Basic Configuration
• Plug Group Access: This item is used to determine which plug groups the
members of this LDAP Group will be allowed to control. (Default = undefined.)
• Service Access: This item determines how members of this LDAP Group will be
allowed to access command mode. The Service Access parameter is used to allow
members of this LDAP group to access command mode via Serial Port or Telnet/
SSH or any combination thereof. (Default = Serial Port = On, Telnet/SSH = On.)
• Current Metering: Determines whether or not members of this LDAP Group will be
allowed to view current, voltage and temperature readings from the MPC unit.
Note: After you have finished defining LDAP Group parameters, make certain
to save the changes before proceeding. In the Web Browser Interface, click on
the "Add LDAP Group" button to save parameters; in the Text Interface, press
the [Esc] key several times until the MPC displays the "Saving Configuration"
message. Viewing LDAP Groups
If you want to examine an existing LDAP group definition, the "View LDAP Groups"
function can be used to review the group's parameters and Plug Access Settings. To
view an existing LDAP group on your MPC unit, proceed as follows:
• Text Interface: Type /N and press [Enter] to display the Network Parameters
Menu (Figure 5.17.) At the Network Parameters Menu, type 27 and press [Enter]
to display the LDAP Parameters Menu, then type 13 and press [Enter] to display
the LDAP Group Menu, then type 1 and press [Enter]. The MPC will prompt you to
select the desired group; key in the name of the group and press [Enter], the MPC
will display the View LDAP Group screen.
• Web Browser Interface: At the MPC Home Screen, click on the LDAP Parameters
link on the left hand side of the screen to display the LDAP Parameters Menu. At
the LDAP Parameters Menu, click on the LDAP Group Setup button to display the
LDAP Group Setup Menu, then click the View/Modify LDAP Group link to display
the Choose LDAP Group Menu; use the drop down menu to select the desired
group, select View LDAP Group and then click the Choose LDAP Group button.