Basic Configuration
5.5.2. Adding User Accounts
The "Add Username" option allows you to create new accounts and assign usernames,
passwords and plug and plug group access rights to each account. Note that the
Add User function is only available when you have accessed command mode using a
password that permits Administrator Level commands.
To create new user accounts, activate the command mode using an account that
permits access to Administrator level commands and then proceed as follows:
• Text Interface: Type /F and press [Enter] to access the System Parameters menu.
From the System Parameters Menu, type 1 and press [Enter] to display the User
Directory Menu. From the User Directory menu, type 2 and press [Enter]. The Add
User menu (Figure 5.5) will be displayed.
• Web Browser Interface: Click the "Users" link to display the User Configuration
menu. At the User Configuration menu, click the "Add User" link. The MPC will
display the Add User menu (Figure 5.6.)
The Add User Menu can define the following parameters for each new account:
• Username: Up to 32 characters long, and cannot include non-printable characters.
Duplicate usernames are not allowed. (Default = undefined.)
• Password: Five to sixteen characters long, and cannot include non-printable
characters. Note that passwords are case sensitive. (Default = undefined.)
• Access Level: Determines which commands this account will be allowed to
access. This option can set the access level for this account to "Administrator",
"SuperUser", "User" or "ViewOnly." For more information on Command Access
Levels, please refer to Section 5.4.1 and Section 17.2. (Default = User.)
• Port Access: If the AUX and/or Remote ports have been reconfigured for use
as Serial Ports as described in Section 5.8.2, then this parameter can be used to
enable or disable an account's access to these ports. Normally, when the AUX
ports and Remote port are configured for their default purpose (connection to
additional, remote MPC units or the MPC-DISPLAY unit) the Port Access parameter
will have no effect. (Defaults; Administrator and SuperUser = All Serial Ports
Enabled, User = All Serial Ports Disabled..)
• This parameter will only function when the AUX ports or Remote port have
been configured as serial ports as described in Section 5.8.2.
• When the AUX ports are used for connection to additional remote MPC units,
all accounts will still be able to display status and control switching functions
at the remote MPC units, providing that access to plugs on the remote units
is allowed by the account's Access Level and Plug Access parameters.
• Accounts with ViewOnly level command access cannot be granted access to
the serial ports.