If you need service or help,
we suggest you follow
these three stem:
1. Before calling for service...
Performance problems are sometimes caused by
little things you can correct without tools. Before you
call for service, check this list.
If your refrigerator will not operate:
Is the electric cord plugged in?
Is a fuse blown or a circuit breaker tripped?
Is the Temperature Control dial turned ON?
If your ice maker will not operate:
Has the freezer had enough time to get cold? With
a new refrigerator, this might take overnight.
Is the signal arm ON...in the down position?
Is the water valve turned on, and IS water getting
to the Ice maker?
If there is a rattling or jingling noise, or other
unfamiliar sounds:
Is somethrng on top or behrnd the refrigerator mak-
ing noise when the refrrgerator IS running?
New features on your new refrigerator make new
sounds. You may be hearing air flowing from the
fans, tamer clicks for the defrosting cycle, defrost
water drarning into the defrost pan. If you have an
ice maker, you will hear water fill the molds and
the ice drop into the bin.
If there is water in the defrost pan:
In hot, muggy weather, this is normal. The pan can
even be half full. Make sure the refrigerator is level
so the pan doesn’t overflow.
If the light doesn’t work:
Check fuses and circuit breakers. Make sure it’s
plugged in.
The bulb may be burned out. Unplug the refriger-
ator; remove the light shield; replace the bulb with
an appliance bulb no larger than 40 watts. Re-
place the light shield and plug in the cord.
If the motor seems to run too much:
Is the condenser, behind the base grill, free of dust
and Irnt?
On hot days, or if the room is warm, the motor
naturally runs longer.
If the door has been opened a lot, or if a large
amount of food has been put in, the motor WIII run
longer to cool down the interior.
Remember: Motor running time depends on dif-
ferent things: number of door openings, amount of
food stored, temperature of the room, setting of the
And, your new refrigerator may be larger than
your old one so it has more space to be cooled. It
also has a regular freezer instead of a frozen food
compartment. It provides colder and more unrform
temperatures for better food storage. All this means
better refrigeratron and may require more running
time than your old one.
2. If ycu need service*:
appliance ever needs
service anywhere in the
United States, help is
just a phone call away
to your nearest
Whirlpool franchised
TECH-CARE’ service
Whirlpool maintains
a nationwide network
of franchi ed TECH-CARE service companies to fulfill
your war1 anty and provide after-warranty service
and mair tenance to keep your WHIRLPOOL appli-
ance in p’eak condition.
You’ll fi >d your nearest TECH-CARE service com-
pany lists ‘3 in your local telephone book Yellow
Pages ur Jer Washers/ Dryers - Repairing or Servrc-
ing. Shoi Id you not find a listing, dial free, the
Whirlpoc I COOL-LINE” service assistance tele-
phone nilmber (800) 253-1301.
When cc lling from:
Michigan .
(800) 632-2243
Alaskc, & Hawaii . . . (800) 253-1121
If you mi,ve...To make sure that your appliance
correctly Istalled and to insure its continued satis-
factory c loeration, please telephone your nearest
TECH-CA FE” service company for installation or to
get the I ame of a qualified installer. (Installation
cost will, :f course, be paid by you]
Helpful hints...You can help your TECH-CARE ser-
vice repr 3sentative give you faster service if you
include tl e model and serial number of your applr-
ante whl J-I requesting service. Also, retain your sales
slip and \ farranty to verify your warranty status.
Rememtber...Your TECH-CARE service representa-
tive is spc cially trained in the expert repairing and
servicing of your WHIRLPOOL appliances. He can
help you maintain the quality originally built into
your WHI ?LPOOL appliance. So why not take the
time, nov , to look up his telephone number and jot it
down in I :e space provided on the cover.
3. If you have a problem*:
Call W lirlpool Corporation in Benton Harbor at the
COOL-Llf IE service assistance telephone number
(see Step 2) or write:
Mr. Step Ihen,E. Upton, Vice President
Whirlpc loI Corporation Administrative Center
2000 U I,. 33 North, Benton Harbor, Michigan 49022
-If you m ;t call o( wk. please prwde your name. address.
telephone I l-nber. type of appliance. brand model. serlal “urn-
ber date of :wrchase. the dealers name. and a complete descw
tlon of ihe -oblem This InformatIon IS needed in order to better
respond to our request for assistance