Sounds you may hear.
floor, wall and metal cabinets con make the sounds
Your new refrigerator may make sounds that your
seem IOU< sr
old one didn’t Because the sounds are new tl:, you, The foil wing chart describes the kinds of sounds
you might be concerned about them Don t be Most that mIgh be new to you, and whc? may be maklng
of the new sounds are normal Hard surfaces ilke the
Possible Sounds:
Probable Causes:
Slight Hum; Soft hiss:
Your refrigerator has two fans, you may hear the fan motors and moving air
Clicking or Snapping The defrost timer makes a deflnltt
click when the refrigerator stops running
Sounds: I? also makes
sound when the rl frigerator starts
Water Sounds:
When the refrlsgerator stops runner -1, you may hear gurgling in the tubing for
a few minutes after It stops You rr
also hear defrost water running Into the
defrost hater pan
Ice Maker Sounds: If your refrigerator has an IX rr rker, you may hear a buzzing (from the
water valve), trickling water and ‘le clatter of Ice dumped Into the bin
Running Sounds:
Your refrlgeraror has a high-effl lency compressor ond motor It ~111 run
longer than older designs It rray :ven seem to run most of the time
Vacation and
moving care
Short Vacations.
No need to shut off the rE ‘rigerator if you will be away for only a
few weeks Use up the peri: hables; freeze other items. If your refrig-
erator is equipped with ar automatic ice maker, turn off your ice
maker: 1) raise the signal a -n; 2) shut off the water supply to the ice
maker. Empty the ice bin.
long Vacations.
Remove all the food if yo I are going for a month or more. If your
refrigerator is equipped witl an automatic ice maker, at least a day
ahead, turn off the water sue ply to the ice maker. When the last load
of ice drops, lift the signal a ‘n.
Unplug the refrigerator c nd clean it...rinse well and dry. Tape
rubber or wood blocks to bo ti doors...keeping them open far enough
for air to get in. This will keer odor and mold from building up.
Tape the blocks out of c child’s reach...do not allow children
near the refrigerator when 178 doors are blocked open.
To restart Fefrigerator, see ’ .Jsing Your Refrigerator.”
If your refrigerator IS equil ped with an automatic ice maker, shut
off the ice maker water sup1 ly a day ahead of time Disconnect the
water line Afterthe last
:y of Ice drops, lift the signal arm to turn
off the ice maker
Remove all food Pack fro !?n foods in dry ice Unpiug the refriger-
arcr and c iear! it thoroughly
Remove c-hverything that : :mes out Wrap 71’ parts well une tape
them toge tt-ier so they dcln’t hift and rattle
Screw lr the !eveling ro!le
;’ tape the doors ;“iut. tape the electric
CoiC: lc
‘hi: ~::ab;inet. Jv’her! y’ J getto yourne& horse
LOCK itl~,~hl it recor!nect t/- water suppl:! ar-‘: ‘:‘e- :3 the ‘Before
Usl5~. ” p2;Je