
Freezing Vegetables-Freeze only fresh high-
qualrty vegetables picked when barely mature.
For best results, freeze no more than 2 to 3 hours
after prckrng. Wash In cold water. sort and cut Into
approprrate sizes Blanch or scold Pack In recom-
mended conturner and freeze
Do not freeze lettuce, celery, carrot strcks, pota-
toes or fresh tomatoes All WIII become limp or
mushy Tomatoes wtll collapse when thawed
Refer to freezer book for further Information
Freezlq I Cooked Food - Prepare cooked foods
as you WOI Id for the table, shorten cookrng time 10
to15 mrnut -s to allow for addtttonal cookrng during
reheating. Xmrt seasonrngs and part of the lrquid
Plan toads i them at reheatrng trme. Potatoes should
also be a( ‘3ed to soup and stew at heoting time
Add crum and cheese toppings at heotrng trme
Cool as ‘aprdly as possrble and freeze at once
Liquid or s ~rnr~lrqurd dashes may be frozen In ret-
ommende j conturners wrth head-space Casser-
oles and c ther more solrd foods may be frozen In
the bakinr I container If you don’t wont to leave
your CCISSE ,ole dish In the freezer, line It with forI
Bake, coo freeze, lift out the forI package. bag It
and return o freezer
Freezing Meats-The meat you thaw con only
be us good as the meat you freeze “Drugstore”
wrap In meal-size packages Flat cuts or pattres
should be wrapped rndrvrdually or In layers sepa-
roted by a double thickness of freezer wrap.
Freezing Baked Goods-Wrap baked breads
in recomm nded material Thaw In wrapprng Un-
boked yet ,;t breads con be frozen ofter the frrst
rising. Punt I down, wrap and freeze
Bake cot kies as usual Cool and freeze on trays.
then pock n recommended freezer bogs or car-
tons Unba ed cookres may be dropped, molded
or rolled or 1 frozen on cookie trays Store In bog or
carton, bc +:e without thawing. Refrtgerator-type
cookres cc ‘I be wrapped and frozen In roll form
Thaw only nough to slice when ready to bake.
Fruit pies :are best frozen unbaked. Bake without
thawing E .xke pecan and similar pres before
freezrng ..r :h fillings do not freeze solid. Cut steam
vents In top crusts when ready to bake.