Before you begin
2 — Operation Guide
Installing an internal hard disk
You must install a hard disk in the AW4416 before using it. If you attempt to use
the AW4416 without installing a hard disk, the recorder section and mixer sec-
tion will fail to operate correctly, and the AW4416 will be damaged as well.
About the internal hard disk
On the AW4416, all data necessary for reproducing a composition (mixer set-
tings, recorder settings, audio data etc.) is stored on the hard disk as a “song.”
An internal hard disk is attached to the ADP25H 2.5 inch hard disk adapter and
installed in the 2.5" HARD DISK DRIVE slot located on the rear panel. Hard disks
with the following specifications can be used.
• Type: IDE 2.5 inch (attachment location conforms to SFF-8201)
• Thickness: no particular limitation
• Capacity: no particular limitation (however, the AW4416 can use a maximum
capacity of 64 GB)
• Models known to work: consult your local Yamaha distributor or refer to the
website at the following URL.
• By “models known to work,” we mean commercially available models that
Yamaha has obtained, installed in the AW4416, and successfully tested by
means of various operational tests. However, we cannot take into account
slight differences in performance that may occur due to the manufacturing tol-
erances of each manufacturer.
• Hard disks are precision devices. Strong physical shock, magnetism, static
electricity, or excessive current etc. can damage the data on a hard disk. You
must use media such as an external SCSI device or CD-RW to backup your
important musical data.
• Please be aware that Yamaha Corporation will accept no responsibility for any
damages, neither direct nor indirect, resulting from the use of any of the above
hard disks.