Chapter11—Song management
176 — Operation Guide
Song structure and size
Song structure
The following diagram shows the structure of songs saved on the hard disk.
As you can see from the diagram, each song consists of the following two areas.
❍ System area
This area contains data for various
settings, the song name, libraries,
scenes, and automix data. The size of
the system area is fixed at approxi-
mately 2 MB.
❍ Audio area
This area contains audio data for the
audio tracks and stereo track, sample
data, and undo data. The size of the
audio area will depend on the size of
the recorded tracks and virtual tracks.
You can increase the available free
area by deleting the audio data of
unneeded tracks and then executing
the Song Optimize operation.
Usable hard disks/song capacity
The AW4416 can use a hard disk of up to 64 GB, and allows you to create a max-
imum of 30,000 songs. However, the size of each song (system area + data area)
is limited to a maximum of 6.4 GB.
• If you have used up the available space of a song or of the hard disk, you can
delete the audio data of unwanted tracks or virtual tracks (
P.156), and exe-
cute the Song Optimize operation (
P.182) to create more free space. (It is not
possible to increase the free space by performing other operations.)
• The song size (SIZE) displayed in the song list shows only the size of the data
area. Be aware that in actuality, each song also uses a system area of approxi-
mately 2 MB. On the AW4416, data sizes are displayed as 1 KB= 1,024 bytes.
Work area for audio CD production
When using an internal/external CD-R/RW drive to create an audio CD, you will
need at least as much work area on the hard disk as occupied by the audio data
being written to the CD. For example in order to create a 74 minute audio CD,
the internal hard disk must have sufficient free area to record a 74 minute or
longer 16 bit/44.1 kHz stereo track (approximately 650 MB).
To check the amount of free area on the internal hard disk, select a 16 bit/
44.1 kHz song, and press the REC TRACK SELECT [ST] key to put the stereo track
■ System area
Various settings
Song name
Automix data
CD production work area
Required when producing
an audio CD
(not allocated beforehand)
■ Song
(maximum 6.4 GB per song)
■ Data area
16 tracks × 8
Stereo track
Undo data
Hard disk
(maximum 64 GB/
30,000 songs)