Chapter9—Track and virtual track operations
— Operation Guide 163
These commands edit data in units of regions.
Assign a name to a region.
Erase the selected region. Audio data following that region will not be affected.
Delete the selected region. Audio data following that region will move forward
by the length of the deleted data.
Copy the selected region to the specified location of the specified track. You can
also specify the number of times the data will be copied, and the interval
between copies. If audio data exists at the copy destination, you can specify
whether the copied data will be inserted or overwritten.
Move the selected region to the specified location of the specified track. At this
time, the move source region will be erased. If audio data exists at the move des-
tination, you can specify whether the moved data will be inserted or overwritten.
Divide the selected region into two at the location you specify.
Trim the starting location of the selected region toward the end in sample units.
Trim the ending location of the selected region toward the beginning in sample
❍ T-COMP (Time Compression/Expansion)
Compress or expand the length of the audio data in the selected track without
affecting the pitch. The RATIO parameter specifies the amount of compression or
expansion (50%–200%).
❍ PITCH (Pitch Change)
Change only the pitch without affecting the length of the audio data of the
selected region. The PITCH parameter specifies the change in semitones (maxi-
mum ±12 semitones) and the FINE parameter specifies the change in one-cent
steps (maximum ±50 cents).