Chapter 8 NAT
P-2304R-P1 Series User’s Guide
Figure 52 Network > NAT > Trigger Port
Each field is described in the following table.
Table 44 Network > NAT > Trigger Port
Name Enter a name to identify this rule. You can use 1 - 15 printable ASCII characters,
or you can leave this field blank. It does not have to be a unique name.
Start Port
End Port
Enter the incoming port number or range of port numbers you want to forward to
the IP address the ZyXEL Device records.
To forward one port number, enter the port number in the Start Port and End Port
To forward a range of ports,
• enter the port number at the beginning of the range in the Start Port field
• enter the port number at the end of the range in the End Port field.
If you want to delete this rule, enter zero in the Start Port and End Port fields.
Start Port
End Port
Enter the outgoing port number or range of port numbers that makes the ZyXEL
Device record the source IP address and assign it to the selected incoming port
To select one port number, enter the port number in the Start Port and End Port
To select a range of ports,
• enter the port number at the beginning of the range in the Start Port field
• enter the port number at the end of the range in the End Port field.
If you want to delete this rule, enter zero in the Start Port and End Port fields.
Click this to save your changes and to apply them to the ZyXEL Device.
Click this to delete every port-triggering rule.