Chapter 16 Remote MGMT
P-2304R-P1 Series User’s Guide
16.3.5 DNS Screen
Use this screen to control DNS access to your ZyXEL Device. To access this screen, click
Management > Remote MGMT > DNS.
Figure 89 Management > Remote MGMT > DNS
Each field is described in the following table.
16.3.6 Security Screen
Use this screen to control how your ZyXEL Device responds to other types of requests. To
access this screen, click Management > Remote MGMT > Security.
Figure 90 Management > Remote MGMT > Security
Table 79 Management > Remote MGMT > DNS
Server Port This field is read-only. This field displays the port number this service uses to
access the ZyXEL Device. The computer must use the same port number.
Server Access Select the interface(s) through which a computer may access the ZyXEL Device
using this service.
Secured Client IP
Select All to allow any computer to access the ZyXEL Device using this service.
Select Selected to only allow the computer with the IP address that you specify to
access the ZyXEL Device using this service.
Apply Click this to save your changes and to apply them to the ZyXEL Device.
Reset Click this to set every field in this screen to its last-saved value.