Chapter 12 Firewall
P-2304R-P1 Series User’s Guide
This is a list of pre-defined services (destination ports) you may prohibit your LAN
computers from using. Select the port you want to block, and click Add to add the
port to the Blocked Services field.
A custom port is a service that is not available in the pre-defined Available
Services list. You must define it using the Type and Port Number fields. See
Appendix H on page 283 for some examples of services.
Blocked Services
This is a list of services (ports) that are inaccessible to computers on your LAN
when service blocking is effective. To remove a service from this list, select the
service, and click Delete.
Type Select TCP or UDP, based on which one the custom port uses.
Port Number
Enter the range of port numbers that defines the service. For example, suppose
you want to define the Gnutella service. Select TCP type and enter a port range of
Click this to add the selected service in Available Services to the Blocked
Services list.
Select a service in the Blocked Services, and click this to remove the service
from the list.
Clear All
Click this to remove all the services in the Blocked Services list.
Schedule to Block
Day to Block Select which days of the week you want the service blocking to be effective.
Time of Day to
Select what time each day you want service blocking to be effective. Enter times in
24-hour format; for example, 3:00pm should be entered as 15:00.
Click this to save your changes and to apply them to the ZyXEL Device.
Reset Click this to set every field in this screen to its last-saved value.
Table 59 Security > Firewall > Services