Blood/Fluid and Irrigation Warming Systems
Check the 3M
system website to ensure you have the most recent version of this document. www.rangerfluidwarming.com reorder #202524A
e Ranger warming system includes a warming unit and a disposable warming set. e Ranger
warming unit is designed to be mounted to an I.V. pole. A handle located on the top of the unit makes
transport easy. When mounted to the I.V. pole, the unit ts easily above the 3M
Bair Hugger
or 700 series warming unit. For additional information on Ranger warming sets visit us online at
Model 245 Blood/fluId warMIng SySteM
e Ranger blood/uid warming system is designed to warm blood, blood products, and liquids and
deliver these at ow rates from KVO to 500 mL/min. At these ow rates, the device maintains uid
output temperatures ranging from 33°C to 41°C (Note: is is for room temperature uids only). It
takes less than two minutes to warm up to the 41°C ±1 set point temperature. e alert points on the
Model 245 are 43°C ±1 and 46°C [+3, -2°C].
Disposable warming sets are available for standard ow, high ow, and pediatric applications.
Warming sets are sterile, latex-free, single-use-only items and are designed to be used with the
reusable warming unit. Do not use other warming sets with the Model 245, including those designed
for the Model 247 irrigation uid warming system.
Model 247 IrrIgatIon fluId warMIng SySteM
e Ranger irrigation uid warming system is designed to warm irrigation uids and deliver these
at ow rates from 0 to 865 mL/min when the bag is hung 100 cm above the scope. At these ow
rates, the device maintains uid output temperatures ranging from 33°C to 41°C (Note: is is for
room temperature uids only). It takes less than two minutes to warm up to the 41°C ±1 set point
temperature. e alert points on the Model 247 are 48°C (±2) and 50°C (±2).
e Ranger irrigation disposable uid warming set is sterile, latex-free, and is designed to be used
with the Ranger irrigation uid warming unit. Do not use other warming sets with the Model 247,
including those designed for the Model 245 blood/uid warming unit.
IndIcatIonS for uSe
Blood/Fluid Warming SyStem
e Ranger blood/uid warming system is intended to warm blood, blood products, and liquids.
irrigation Fluid Warming SyStem
e Ranger irrigation uid warming system is intended to warm irrigation uids.
defInItIon of SyMBolS
Type B Applied Part