7. For Double Oven re-fit the bottom door first by fixing the hinges with their screws; fix also
the bracket of the middle spacer profile at the same time
8. Re-fit the top door after having rotated it by 180°
9. Re-fit the two door catches in the appropriate oven front frame position – minor adjustment
available later to ensure accurate receipt of door striker pin
10. Re-fit the remaining screws in the thread holes in the oven front frame
The changeover is complete – please check that all screws are fully tightened and that the striker
pin is accurately received by the re-located door latch.
Changing the light globe
The light globe is located behind the glass cover and is a screw-in type.
To change a light globe:
1- Gently lever out the glass cover only.
2- Pull the light globe and push in a replacement globe.
3- Replace the glass cover making sure it fits correctly into place.
Recommended globe: Halogen 40W
G - Trouble Shooting Guide
Symptom Remedy
No power supplied to appliance Has the power been disconnected? Check the meter
box. Has the main fuse or circuit breaker blown or
Oven power is on but appliance does not
Oven may be set on AUTO (see auto programmed
Oven power is on but there is no heat Oven may be set on AUTO
Oven temperature may be set OFF
Mode may be on incorrect selection
Rubber seal has gap/s at bottom and
ends do not meet
Correct - doors are sealed this way for oven venting
Display is flashing, is only part
illuminated or is cycling through various
Turn power supply to appliance off, wait 30 seconds and
turn power on. Reset clock