Aga Ranges U104613-03 Range User Manual

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If you want to turn one of the ovens on at the
same time as the timer is set for automatic
cooking, you must wait until the timer has turned
on the oven/ ovens first. Then you can adjust
either of them manually in the normal way.
If you want to cook more than one dish, choose
dishes that require approximately the same time.
However, dishes can be ‘slowed down’ slightly by
using small containers and covering them with
aluminum foil, or ‘speeded up’ slightly by cooking
smaller quantities or placing in larger containers.
Don’t place warm food in the oven.
Don’t use an oven already warm.
Don’t use if an adjoining oven is warm.
To avoid curdling, cream should be added to
dishes just before serving.
Whole poultry must be thoroughly defrosted
before placing in the oven.
Check that meat and poultry are fully cooked
before serving.