Fan noise (some models)
Normal Fan will cycle on and off during and after oven
Frequent cycling off and on of oven.
Normal To maintain a temperature for baking, the oven
cycles on and off.
Frequent cycling off and on of surface
Normal Smoothtop burners cycle on and off to maintain
proper heating temperature.
Cracking or popping sound
Normal Wet cooking utensils or possible spillage.
Gritty dirt or rough surface on
cooking utensils
Shiny scratches
Use recommended smoothtop cleaner
May be a metal mark. Make sure surface is cool.
Use a single-edged razor blade or disposable
scraper to carefully scrape off the mark. Apply
smoothtop cleaner conditioner and gently rub
with nonabrasive nylon pad.
Water spots/marks
Use recommended smoothtop cleaner
conditioner to remove dirt from smoothtop.
Make sure surface is cool. Put a small amount of
white vinegar on the spot and let sit for a few
minutes. Rub with nonabrasive nylon pad. Wipe
off any excess with damp paper towel.
Hot sugar or plastic melted to surface
Warm slightly and remove with safety scraper.
Pattern fading/wearing off
Dirt/film buildup Use recommended cleaner conditioner to
remove build up and dirt from smoothtop.
Troubleshooting (cont'd)