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• Installation Users Manual Electro-Sealer 7112 HF
1 Voltage Supply
- 1760-L18AWA 85 to 264 V ac 50/60 Hz
7 Esc button
- One menu back
- Exit function relay parameter menu without
2 Inputs
- 1760-L18AWA 12 inputs 0 to 264 V ac
8 Interface (with cover)
- Slot for memory card
- Socket for PC interface cable
3 Del button
- Delete contacts/relays/connections/empty rung
9 Outputs
- Write-on surface
4 Alt button
- Draw connection
- Toggle between make or break contact
- Insert rung
Cursor buttons: right, left, up, down
- Select contact, relays, numbers
P button on: Input P1 -> Cursor left
Input P2 -> Cursor up
Input P3 -> Cursor right
Input P4 -> Cursor down
11 LCD
- I/O status display
- Operating states
- Circuit diagram
- Display of clock
6 OK button
- Enter menu
- Accept action
12 Power / Run LED