1-3 Folding in / Light blending Scones, Pastry, Quick Tea Cakes, Bread Dough
4-6 Light mixing Sauces, Puddings, Custards, Icings, Packet Mixes
7-9 Creaming / Beating Butter and Sugar, Cream Cheese, Heavy Batters
10-12 Whipping / Aerating Beating Cream, Egg Whites / Meringues,
CHOICE OF BEATERS • Use beaters for all mixing / whipping tasks.
• Use dough hooks only for preparation of yeast / bread doughs
• DO NOT use a dough hook with a beater – this will damage the Breville Wizz™
Electronic Mixer.
SPEED SETTINGS • Use the mixing guide to help select correct mixing speed when preparing
• Begin mixing at lowest speed, then increase to higher speed to prevent
MIXING • Mix for the recommended time in the recipe – avoid over mixing.
• Should an object such as a spoon or spatula fall into the bowl while mixing,
immediately switch the Breville Wizz™ Electronic Mixer off, unplug at the
power outlet and remove the object.
EGG WHITES • Be sure beaters and bowls are completely clean and dry before use – a small
amount of fat will affect the whipping performance.
BREAD DOUGH • Add the liquid ingredients before the dry ingredients.
• Mix using Speed 3 to combine ingredients then reduce to Speed 1 and mix to
knead dough.
• DO NOT place hands near dough hooks when mixer is operating.
Mixing guide