Breville BEM800 Mixer User Manual

Designed for the large bowl: Makes enough
for four 30cm thin crust pizzas or two
30cm thicker crust pizza
3 teaspoons dry yeast
3 teaspoons sugar
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 cup (250ml) lukewarm water
3 cups (450g) bakers flour
3 teaspoons salt
1. Add yeast, sugar, olive oil and water to a
large bowl; stir until combined.
2. Assemble mixer using the dough hook
and the large mixer bowl. Add flour to
bowl. Slowly turn mixer to KNEAD/
FOLD setting; add yeast mixture and
knead for 4–5 minutes until smooth
and elastic.
3. Place dough ball into a lightly oiled
bowl, cover and rest in a warm draught
free place for 30 minutes or until dough
has doubled in size. Turn dough out on a
floured surface and knock back (punch)
the dough to remove excess air, lightly
4. For thin crust, divide dough into
4 x 170g dough balls and set aside
until required.
5. For thicker crust, divide dough into
2 even dough balls and set aside until
Designed for the large bowl: Serves 4–6
250g ‘OO’ Flour
Pinch salt
2 eggs
3 egg yolks
1 tablespoon olive oil
1. Assemble Mixer using the dough hook
and the large mixer bowl. Place flour and
salt into bowl. Make a well and add eggs,
yolks and olive oil.
2. Slowly turn mixer to KNEAD/FOLD
setting and mix for about 4–5 minutes
or until dough combines. If dough has
not combined add 1–2 teaspoons water
if needed.
3. Remove dough from bowl and cover
with plastic wrap and allow to rest for
1–2 hours.
4. Use a pasta machine to make pasta.
5. To cook pasta, bring a large pot of water
to the boil. Add a generous amount
of salt. Cook pasta for 1-3 minutes
depending on the shape and thickness of
the pasta. Drain and serve immediately
with your favourite sauce.