mm) or more, replace the entire head. If
plug gauge is not available, see Section
12 - Engine Specifications for the valve
guide reject dimension.
3. If guides are replaced, or the original
guides still meet specifications, use Finish
Reamer #19066 and Reamer Guide
#19191 to ensure proper sizing and to
clean out the guides. Thoroughly clean all
reaming debris from cylinder head.
4. Inspect valves for wear or damage.
Replace if necessary.
NOTE: Valve faces can be resurfaced on a
commercially available valve grinder. However,
Briggs & Stratton does not recommend this
practice because the quality of the resurfacing
may be insufficient. Instead, valve replacement
is recommended.
5. Oil the intake valve guide and intake valve
stem, then insert valve into head.
6. Using Valve Lapping Tool #19258 and
Lapping Compound #94150, lap valve and
seat together to assure a good sealing
surface. Remove valve, the repeat
procedure for the exhaust valve.
7. Thoroughly clean both valves and cylinder
head of all lapping compound residue.
Assemble Cylinder Head
1. Install new plastic push rod guides (A,
Figure 23) into the cylinder head plate.
Figure 23
2. Using new plate gasket, install the cylinder
head plate. Torque screws to values listed
in Section 12 - Engine Specifications.
3. Lightly coat valve stems with Valve Guide
Lubricant #93963. then insert valves into
cylinder head. Do not get lubricant on
valve face, valve seat, or exposed end of
valve stem.
4. Oil inside diameter of new stem seal/
washer and install on intake valve stem.
Slide seal down against head plate or
cylinder head.
5. Support valve side of cylinder head on
clean shop rags. Place valve springs and
valve spring retainers over valve stems.
Using thumbs, press against each retainer
until it securely locks into groove in valve
stem (A, Figure 24).
Figure 24
Install Cylinder Head
1. Coat threads of all cylinder head screws
with Valve Guide Lubricant #93963.
2. Using a new head gasket, install cylinder
head on cylinder and start screws by
hand. Step-torque screws in sequence
shown in Figures 25, 26, 27, and 28 until
final torque value is achieved. Torque
screws to value listed in Section 12 -
Engine Specifications.
Figure 25