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*The HEPA filter is factory installed in all our units. However, when it will be time to be
replaced, a pleated filter or a foam filter can be purchased, but the filtration
efficiency will not be the same as a HEPA filter.
**Items 6 and 7 are optionals.
All listed parts are available where you have bought your unit.
NOTE: Please note that parts not listed are not available; those parts require
assembly knowledge that only manufacturer can garantee.
No. Description
Part HEPA 1000 HEPA 2000
Number HF 1.0 HF 2.0
1 Prefilter Kit (2) 05123 1 1
2 HEPA Pleated Filter Kit 04803 1 1
3 MERV 12 Filter Kit* 04804 1 1
4 Foam Filter MERV 8 Kit* 04852 1 1
5 Core Filter Kit (2) 05120 - -
6 Single Exterior Hood Kit** 13940 - 1
7 Wall Control C12** 04862 1 1
No. Description
Part HEPA 3000
HEPA 4000
Number HF 3.0
1 Prefilter Kit (2) 05123 1 1
2 HEPA Pleated Filter Kit 04803 1 1
3 MERV 12 Filter Kit* 04804 1 1
4 Foam Filter MERV 8 Kit* 04852 1 1
5A Core Filter Kit (2) 05120 1 -
5B Core Filter Kit (2) 05689 - 1
6 Single Exterior Hood Kit** 13940 1 1
7 Wall Control C34** 04391 1 1