
Rinse Alarm Feature
Periodic rinsing of the dispense tip is essential for proper maintenance and optimum performance of the dispenser.
The automated Rinse Alarm feature has two levels of operation, Disabled and Warning.
Level Selected Alarm
Disabled None
Warning Warning LED will come on 4 hrs prior to the selected time interval and remain on
until the Rinse procedure has been performed.
NOTE: Alarm Only - Does not prevent dispensing. To clear the Rinse Alarm, refer to the Rinse Procedure.
The dispenser is shipped with the automated Rinse Alarm disabled. It is up to the user to determine if the Rinse
Alarm is needed and the time interval, based on their application and maintenance procedures. The time interval
between Rinses is adjustable from 8 to 24 hrs. To enable the automated Rinse Alarm feature, refer to RINSE
ALARM in Programming the Dispenser.
Rinse Procedure:
1. Open the cabinet door and select Rinse on the Selector switch – close the door.
2. Place a 2 Liter (1/2 Gal) container under the dispense tip.
3. Press and hold the Dispenser switch until water flow stops automatically, approximately 20 sec.
NOTE: The Warning LED will turn OFF, when the Rinse procedure has been satisfied.
4. Open the cabinet door and select Normal on the Selector switch – close the door.
Cabinet Target Temperature (LCR-1 Only)
The LCR-1 is designed to “HOLD” Non-shelf stable concentrate at the desired Target Temperature. It is not
designed to chill concentrate that has not been stored at or below the desired Target Temperature. NOTE: Always
follow the concentrate Manufacturer’s recommendations for proper Storage and Shelf Life.
The LCR-1 Target Temperature is pre-set to 40° F (4° C) at the factory and can be adjusted from 35° to 75° F (2 -
24° C), see Calibrating the Dispenser to adjust the Target Temperature. NOTE: When operating temperatures are
above 85° F (30° C), it may be necessary to lower the Target Temperature 5° to maintain the concentrate at the
desired temperature. If ice starts to build up on the evaporator inside the cabinet, raise the Target Temperature
a few degrees.
The Maximum Recommended Operating Temperature for the LCR-1 is 95° F (35° C).
44806.1 081211