3:31B@=:CF programme charts
Beverage 1-6 cups • Place cup towards edge of turntable.
(Tea/Coffee) 1 cup = 200 ml
Boiled and 0,2 - 1,0 kg (100 g) Boiled Potatoes: Peel the potatoes and cut
jacket potatoes Bowl and lid them into similar sized pieces.
Jacket Potatoes: Choose potatoes of similar
size and wash them.
• Put the boiled or jacket potatoes into a bowl.
• Add the required amount of water (per 100 g),
approx 2 tbsp and a little salt.
• Cover with a lid.
• When the audible bell sounds, stir and re-cover.
• After cooking, stand for approx. 2 min.
Grill skewers 0,2 - 0,8 kg (100 g) • See recipe for “Grill skewers” on page 19.
High rack • Place on the high rack and cook.
• When the audible bell sounds, turn over.
• After cooking, remove and put on a plate for
Gratinated 0,5 - 1,5 kg* (100 g) • See recipes for “Gratinated fish fillet” on page
fish fillet Gratin dish 19.
Low rack
Grilled chicken 0,9 - 1,8 kg (100 g) • Mix together 2 tbsp oil, 1 tsp paprika, salt
Flan dish and pepper and spread on the chicken.
Low rack • Pierce the skin of the chicken.
• Put chicken breast side down in a flan dish.
• Place on the low rack and cook.
• When the audible bell sounds, turn over.
• After cooking, leave for approx. 3 min in the
oven, remove and put on a plate for serving.
Gratin 0,5 - 1,5 kg* (100 g) • See recipes for “Gratin” on page 20.
Gratin dish
Low rack * Total weight of all ingredients.
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;>=@B/<BChilled foods are cooked from 5
C, frozen foods are cooked from -18
* Total weight of all ingredients.