Power failure
Do n ot u n n ecessarily open the cabinet,
except when the power cu t seems to be
long, in which case the food products should
be moved to another cabinet that works. If
the frozen products are still hard following the
power cut, they may be immediately refrozen.
If the food p roducts have thawed but are still
fresh, they may be used, however they
should be prepared before re-freezing or
eating them.
Net capacity Freezer l 252
Energy consumption kWh/y 324
Freezing capacity 24 hours 15
Rising time h 10
Dimension mm
Height 1800
Width 595
Depth 650
Permissible water pressure (to ensure reliable function).
The total flow in the system can vary, depending on local water conditions
and/or water pressure.
Lowest permissible water
pressure. 1 bar (100kPa)
Consult your installer if water pressure is
less than 1 bar.
Highest permissible water
pressure. 10 bar (1MPa)
If water pressure exceeds 10 bar, than a
reduction valve must be fitted (available
from your specialist shop).
Do n ot connect the refrigerator in spaces where ambient temperature can
decrease to below freezing.
The refrigerator may only be connected to drinking water supplies.
The refrigerator may only be connected to cold water supplies.