EMC Smarts Application Connectivity Manager User’s Guide 1
Explanation of Fault
Application Connectivity Monitor provides root-cause analysis of application
failures. In addition, Application Connectivity Monitor determines the impact
of network and system failures on TCP-based applications.
Application Connectivity Monitor (ACM) discovers and monitors the
availability of applications that provide network services using the TCP
protocol. When a TCP-based application is not available, Application
Connectivity Monitor determines whether the problem is the result of a
network failure or an application failure.
Topology Created by ACM
Application Connectivity Monitor automatically discovers TCP-based
applications that are hosted by systems (for example, hosts, switches,
routers) that are present in the topology of the ACM Domain Manager.
For each discovered application, Application Connectivity Monitor creates
the following topology elements.
• Applications elements are represented by the Application class and its
subclasses; which includes subclasses such as HTTPService and
DatabaseServer. An application element is associated with the system it
runs on through the HostedBy relationship.