
1.15 Probe Resistance Chart
Use the chart below when testing temperature probes and probe circuits for proper operation.
Probe Resistance Chart
Current-Style Thermatron Systems (Probe wire
color: Two Black Wires or Two Brown Wires)
° Celsius ° Fahrenheit Ohms (± 3%)
21 70 108130
27 80 84606
32 90 66721
38 100 53020
43 110 42452
49 120 34206
54 130 27735
60 140 22641
66 150 18588
71 160 15349
77 170 12741
82 180 10635
88 190 8925
93 200 7527
99 210 6391
104 220 5470
110 230 4705
116 240 4030
121 250 3441
127 260 2967
132 270 2583
138 280 2255
143 290 1977
149 300 1729
154 310 1496
160 320 1320
166 330 1170
171 340 1051
177 350 942
182 360 840
188 370 750
193 380 676
199 390 605
204 400 541