Problem Probable Causes Corrective Action
A. Controller has failed.
A. If available, substitute a controller
known to be working for the
suspect controller. If the substitute
controller functions correctly, order
a new controller.
Fryer does not heat.
B. One or more other components have
B. If the circuitry in the fryer control
system cannot determine the frypot
temperature, the system will not
allow the element to be energized
or will de-energize the element if it
is already energized. If the
contactor, element, or associated
wiring fails, the element will not
Fryer repeatedly
cycles on and off when
first started.
Fryer is in melt-cycle mode.
In fryers equipped with Thermatron
controllers, burners cycle on
approximately 5 seconds and off for
15 seconds until the temperature
reaches 66°C (150°F).
Fryer heats until high-
limit trips with heat
indicator ON.
Temperature probe or controller has
If available, substitute a controller
known to be working for the suspect
controller. If the substitute controller
functions correctly, order a new
controller. If the substitution of the
controller does not resolve the
problem, the most likely cause is a
failed temperature probe.
Fryer heats until high-
limit trips without
heat indicator ON.
Contactor, element or controller has
If available, substitute a controller
known to be working for the suspect
controller. If the substitute controller
functions correctly, order a new
controller from FASC. If the
substitution of the controller does not
resolve the problem, the most likely
cause is a contactor that has failed in
the closed position or an element that
has failed.
Fryer stops heating
with heat indicator
The high-limit thermostat or contactor
has failed.
The fact that the heat indicator is ON
indicates that the controller is
functioning properly and is calling for
heat. The high-limit thermostat
functions as a normally closed switch.
If the thermostat fails, the "switch"
opens and power to the elements is
shut off. If the contactor fails to close,
no power is supplied to the elements.