1 - 2
Product Button: One of the numbered buttons on the control panel. A setpoint and up to 12
sets of cooking parameters (one set for each product) can be programmed
into the computer. The buttons are also used to enter the values for the
setpoint and cooking parameters.
Frypot Setpoint: An operator-determined frying temperature. When the computer is turned
on, it automatically brings the cooking oil or shortening to the setpoint and
maintains it at that temperature until the computer is turned off.
Cooking Parameters: The set of cooking variables associated with a product. They are sensitivity,
cook time, shake time, and hold time.
Sensitivity: A built-in feature, which adjusts cooking time to compensate for the drop in
frypot temperature when product enters the oil. Different products vary in
density, batch size, and temperature. Food products will also vary in cook
time. A proper sensitivity setting will assure a high-quality product. Setting
0 is the least sensitive and setting 9 is the most sensitive (see the chart on
page 1-5).
Cooking Time: The operator-determined time for cooking a product.
Shake Time: The operator-determined time during the frying cycle when the product
should be shaken.
Hold Time: The operator-determined time product can be held before being served.
Turn the computer on by pressing either of the ON/OFF Switches. NOTE: A decimal between
digits 1 and 2 in either LED Display indicates that the unit is heating.
1. One of the following will be displayed:
, indicating that the fryer is operating in the melt-cycle mode. The fryer will remain
in the melt-cycle mode until the temperature of the cooking oil or shortening reaches 180°F
(82°C) or the melt-cycle is canceled by the operator.
b. , indicating that the frypot temperature is 21ºF (12ºC) higher than the setpoint. Do
nothing; the controller will allow the oil to cool to the setpoint before firing the burners or
energizing the elements.
c. , indicating that the frypot temperature is 21ºF (12ºC) lower than the setpoint. Do noth-
ing; the controller will raise the oil temperature to the setpoint.
d. , indicating that the frypot temperature is within the cooking range. NOTE: For
best results, cooking should not be attempted unless the display indicates