▯ Steaming does not dry out fish and its intrinsic
taste and texture are preserved very well.
▯ For reasons of hygiene, fish and other critical
foodstuffs should have a core temperature of at
least 143 - 149° F (62 - 65°C) after cooking. This
is simultaneously the ideal cooking point.
▯ Do not salt fish until after cooking it. This
preserves the natural aroma and less water is
extracted from the fish.
▯ When using the perforated cooking receptacle:
you can grease it lightly if fish should stick to it
too easily.
▯ Insert the unperforated cooking insert in the first
level from below to avoid extreme soiling of the
oven interior with intensively smelling fish juice.
▯ In the case of fillets with skin: place the fish with
its skin side pointing upward to preserve its
structure and aroma.
Vegetable terrine Perforated/
212 (100) 100 40 - 50 In a terrine form
Carrots, in slices Perforated 212 (100) 100 10 - 15
Potatoes, peeled and quar-
Perforated 212 (100) 100 20 - 35
Kohlrabi, in slices Perforated 212 (100) 100 15 - 25
Leek, in slices Perforated 212 (100) 100 5 - 10
Bell pepper, filled Unperforated 355 - 390
(180 - 200)
80/100 15 - 20 If there is a meat filling, brown the filling
Jacket potatoes (about 50 g
(approx. 1.8 oz) each)
Perforated 212 (100) 100 25 - 30
Jacket potatoes (about
100 g (approx. 3.5 oz) each)
Perforated 212 (100) 100 40 - 45
Brussels sprouts Perforated 212 (100) 100 15 - 20
Asparagus, green Perforated 212 (100) 100 10 - 15
Asparagus, white Perforated 212 (100) 100 18 - 25
Spinach Perforated 212 (100) 100 4
Tomatoes, skinned Perforated 212 (100) 100 3 - 4 Cut into tomatoes and quench them with
icy water after steaming.
Sugar snaps Perforated 212 (100) 100 5 - 10
Foodstuff Cooking
ture in °F
ity in %
time in
Foodstuff Cooking
ture in °F
ity in %
time in
Gilthead, whole
(700 g/24 oz)
Unperforated 195 - 212
(90 - 100)
100 20 - 25
Fish dumplings
(20 - 40 g/0.7 - 1.4 oz)
Unperforated 195 - 212
(90 - 100)
100 5 - 10 Line the unperforated cooking recepta-
cle with parchment paper
Lobster, cooked, peeled,
Perforated 160 - 175
(70 - 80)
100 10 - 12
Carp, blue, whole
(1.5 kg/3.5 lb)
Unperforated 195 - 212
(90 - 100)
100 40 - 50 in juice
Salmon fillet
(300 g/10.5 oz each)
Perforated 195 - 212
(90 - 100)
100 12 - 15
Salmon, whole
(2.5 kg/5.5 lb)
Perforated 212 (100) 100 70 - 80
Mussels (1.5 kg/3.5 lb) Perforated 212 (100) 100 8 - 12 The mussels are done once the shells
have opened.