Millenium™ RO System by GE Osmonics
14693e - 31 Mar 03 5- 11 Troubleshooting
5.12 TDS Value High
The overall membrane performance can be affected by a number of factors. Poor
rejection performance, as well as high TDS, can result from fouled membranes, low
pump pressure, inadequate waste flow, or feed water problems. An apparent
performance problem could be caused by a defective check valve, sensor or circuit board,
and not be a membrane issue at all. The recommended first step for any ‘membrane
performance’ question is to confirm the rejection percentage and product TDS with a
hand-held RO/TDS meter. If the product water quality is poor, investigate the
membrane. However, if the water quality tests ‘normal’, investigate the monitoring
1. Waste flow too low.
a. Measure and compare to original data. Correct as necessary.
2. Waste pressure too low.
a. Adjust pump settings.
3. Product flow too high.
a. See 5.9
4. Membrane scaled or fouled.
a. Verify condition of pretreatment equipment.
b. See membrane cleaning procedure in this manual.
5. Erroneous meter readout.
a. Verify water quality with independent meter.
b. See 5.12.8
c. TDS water probe wire disconnected or loose.
d. Replace TDS water sensor probe.
e. Replace thermistor.
f. Replace monitor circuit board.
6. Membrane failure.
a. Replace membrane.
7. Change in feed water TDS.
a. Verify feed and product water quality with independent meter.
b. Communicate with municipal water plant.
c. Softener problem, rinsing out high levels of salt.
8. Product recirculation check valve failed.
a. Refer to Maintenance Procedures for Check Valve Test.