GE GXCF25FBS Water Dispenser User Manual

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GE supports the Uniw'rsal Design (oi_(ept--lmxhlcls, services and environments that (an b( used by people of
all ag(s, sizes and (at)abilities. \_i' recognize the n(ed to design/ora _ide range of physical and in(ill:41 abilities
and impairments. For details of GE's Universal Design ai)plications, including kitchen design ideas lor people
with disabilities, check out our \\k'bsite todax. For tile hearing impaired, please (:all 800.TDD.(_E,\C
Individuals (an ha_e parts sent directly to their houses (\SSA, MasterCard and Discover cards are accepted).
Order on-lint today, 24 hours every (lay or by phon(, ill tile U.S., at 800.626.2002 during normal business
hours. In Canada, (:all 800.663.6060.
/nstroctions contained in this manual cover procedores to be performed by any user. GEdoes not support any servicing
of the dispenser. We strongly recommend that you do not altempt to service the dispenser yourself.
Contact Us
IFyou are not satis/ied _dth the service you receiw'/i'om (;E, conta(t us Oil O/ll" Wd)site _dth all the details
including your phon( number, or write to: (;en(ral Managel; Custolner Relations
GE At)pliances, ,\ppliai_ce Park
I _ouis_ille, KY 40225
IITm/d0vs _h£s (m,,,_ ?
-- Any detect in mate rials or x_orkmanship in tim manulhcturt d product.
II'ka[ d(_.s lhs warmtl@ _ol <o_,J,_?
-- Water bottk s.
--S{ l'ViCt trips to VOIII ]lOlIl{ tO ttach VOll llo'_g to /IS( Ill( pFodt/ct.
-- hnpropcr installation, delivery or maint_ nancc.
--Faihuc of th_ product it it is almscd, nlisuscd, altcr_ d. used
comnlcrcially or t,s_d ti)r other than th_ inten(h d purpose.
-- Products that arc used outsidt a r_ sidcntial (n" ollicc _nviromn¢ nt.
-- l_.cplact nlcnt ot house fl_ses or resetting ot circtfit br{ ak< rs.
-- ksc of this product _ll_ l'c x_;Itt 1"is microbiologically tm_,al} or ot
unknox_n qualits:
-- Damage to the product if used to dispense an}lhing othcx than ware\:
-- Damage to tht product caused by accident, tirt, lloods or acts of (;od.
--Any s( laic( to the product.
-- Incidental or consequential dmnage caned by possible defects with
this applimice, its installallon or repair.
--On((1) }_al_
th_w d. 1m&e a wanmz/y &tim?
-- P.cturn to the _emiler ttx)m _hich it _as purchav>d, along _ith a copy
of:the "Prool ot Pu_chast." A n(x_ or reconditioned unit will be
provided. "Ihis warl'.nt_ (xclu(l( s the cost ot shipping th( product to
VO/It" hom_.
exclusive remedy is productexchange as provided in this
Limited Warranty.Any implied warranties, including
the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness fora
particular purpose, are limited to one year or the shortest
period allowed by law.
_[his warrant- is extended m the original purchaser mid any- succeeding
o-aaler for products purchased for home or office use within the USA.
hi Alaska, the warran_ exchtdes the cost of shipping or service to )_mr
home or office.
Some states do not allow the exchtsinn or firnitatinn of incidental or
consequential damages. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, mid
)_m may also have oilier righls, which vary fi'om state to stale. To know
what your legal rights at-e, constflt )_mr local or stale consumer affairs
office or )_)ltr state's Attorney General.
Contact its at ge.cotll, or call loll-fi'ee at 800.952.5039 in lhe U.S., or
866.777.7627 hi Canada.
Warrantor:General ElectricCompany,Louisville,ICY40225.
Printed in China