Camandcleaningof thedispenser.
Cleaning the Outside Cabinet and Storage/Chiller Compartment
IMPORTANT: Set both power switches (on the
back of the dispenser) in the 0 (off) position and
unplug the water dispenser before cleaning,
"File cabin(t _lnd compartm(nt ot th(
disp(nser can b( washed wit]l mild soap and
wat_ r. Rinse thorot/gh]_ _Jth ;lear wat_ 1: Nex_r
use com//l(rcial cl(aners or abrasi e scouring
Sweep ;IW;l_or _at:tuu/l ;ut_ dI/st ]}'ore the
conde*/s(r coils on the back of II*(/mit. Fo_
best resi/lts, use a brilsh sp( cially desigl/(d l_)r
this imrpos(. It is available at most applial_c(
Cleaning the Inside of the Chiller Compartment
To help prevent odors,]ea',,ea_l open box of
baki_g soda in 1he (hillel (omt)artment.
Unplug the dispenser before cleanhlg.
Clean olher parts of"the clliller compaltmenl--
ill(ludit_g door gaskets al*d all l)lasli( parts--
1he Sall/e _,_1}
Use _;irm _;iter m_(1baki_lg soda solntion--
all()ut a t_,blespooH (1 :, ml) of l)_ki_g so(t_ to
a quart (1 liter) of _v_ter. This both (learns _md
neHtralizes odors. Rinse a_(] wipe (]ry.
Cleaning the Drip Tray and Grille
The disp(_s(r drip tra} is not selJ:-(lr_dni*lg.
To re(luc( water spotting or deposits, tl_( tr;_
and its grille should l)( emplied, (:lean(d ai/d
wil)((1 (lr} r(gularl}.
(:1(a_ _i111mild so_l) or OHlh(1<)1)rack iH the