Porcelain Enamel Cooktop (electric coil models only)
The porcelain enamel finish is sulr(ly but
breakable iflnisused. This finish isacid-
resistant. However, any acidic fbods
spilled (such as fi'uitjuices, tomato or
vinegar) should not be permitted to
remain on the finish.
If acids spill on the cooktop while it is
hot, use a (hy paper towel or cloth to
_ipe it up right away. X_len the smf_me
has cooled, wash with soap and water.
Rinse well.
For odmr spills such as f_ltspatterings,
wash xdd_ soap and water or cleansing
powders _ffterthe surface has cooled.
Rinse well. Polish with a (hy cloth.
Lift the door straight up and off the
(appearance may vary)
Thegasket is designed with a gap at
the bottom to allow for proper air
Do not rub or clean the door
gasket--# has an extremely low
resistance to abrasion.
If you notice the gasket becoming
worn, frayed or damaged in any way
or if it hasbecome displaced on the
door, you should haveit replaced.
Lift-Off Oven Door
The oven door isremovable for easier
access to the light bulb.
Donotlift thedoorbythehandle.
Toremove the door, open it to the broil
stop position. Grasp firmly on each side
and lift the door straight up and off the
Toreplacethedoor,make sure the hinges
are in the broil stop position. Position the
slots in the bottom of the door squarely
over the hinges and slowly lower it over
both hinges.
Tocleantheinsideof thedoor:
Becmlse the area inside the gasket is
cleaned (luring the self-clean (_cle, you
do not need to clean this by hand.
The area out.side the gasket and the
fi'ont fi'ame can be cleaned _4th a
soap-filled steel wool or plastic pad,
hot water and detergent. Rinse well
with a vinegar and water solution.
Tocleantheoutsideof thedoor:
Use soap and water to thoroughly
clean the top, sides and front of the
oven door. Rinse well. You may also
use a glass cleaner to clean the glass on
the out_si(teof the door. Do not let
water drip into the vent openings.
Spillage of marinades, fruit juices,
tomato sauces and basting materials
containing acids may cause
discoloration and should be wiped up
imlnediately. When surface is cool,
clean and rinse.
Do not use oven cleaners, cleaning
powders or harsh abrasives on the
outside of the door.
Oven Shelves
Clean the oven shelves with an abrasive
cleanser or steel wool. After cleaning,
rinse the shelves with clean water and (tU
with a clean cloth.
NOTE."Theovenshelvesmaybecleanedin the
toslideif cleanedduringtheself-cleaningcycle.
To make the shelves slide more easily apply
a small amount ofvegetable oil or cooking
oil to a paper towel and wipe the edges of
the oven shelves with the paper towel.