Thecnarcoal filters are chooed inside
of each reusable metal grease filter
Charcoal Filters (onsomemodels)
The charcOai filters If the model is not
cannotbe cleaned. They vented to the outside, the
mustbe replaced, air will be recirculated
For3O hOodmOdels, Order thr°ugh disl_°sable
For36 hOM models, Order remme sm,,ke and
Kit no. wBO2Xl07Oa, odors.
TheS kitscanbeordered
from yourGEsupplier.
The charcoal filters
should be replaced when
they are noticeably dirty
or discolored (usually
after 6 to 12 months,
depending on hood
NOTE: DONOTrinse, or
put charcoal filters in an
automatic dishwasher
Painted Surfaces (on some models)
To clean the hood surfi_ce, use a hot,
damp cloth with a mild detergent
suitable fl)r painted surfaces. Use a
clean, hot, damp cloth to remove
soap. Dry with a dr 5 clean cloth.
Do Dot IlSe steel-wool pads or other
abrasive cleaners. They will scratch
the surtace. X*\]l)e with a clean, hot,
damp cloth after using cleansers.
Stainless Steel Surfaces(onsomemodels)
Do not use a steel-wool pad; it will
scratch the surface.
To clean the stainless steel surface,
use a hot, damp cloth with a mild
detergent suitable for stainless steel
surfaces. Use a clean, hot, dalnp
cloth to remove soap. Dry with a dry;
clean cloth.
If fl)od soil remains, ti T a general
kitchen cleane_; such as Fantastik <_,
Simple Green_ or Form ula 409<'!
For hard-to-clean soil, use a
standard stainless steel cleaner,
such as Bon-Ami <'_or (_aineo<'_
Apply cleaner with a damp sponge.
/_.rse a clean, hot, damp cloth to
remove cleaner. Dry with a dry, clean
cloth. Always scrub lightly in the
direction of the grain.
After cleaning, use a stainless steel
i)olish, such as Stainless Steel Magic:,
Revere Coi)i)er and Stainless Steel
Cleaner > or _,Venol All Pm'l)ose
Metal Polish i Follow the product
instructions fl)r cleaning the stainless
steel sm'tace.
Hood Lights
This hood requires two bulbs (not
included), maxim um 50 watts.
Pro'chase and install PAR20, 50 W
Maxim um halogen bulbs.
When replacing a bulb, let it cool
first. Make sure that power to the
light has been turned ott. Never
allow a hot bulb to coine into
c(mtact with water.
To change the light bulbs:
[] (;rasp the bulb on the edges and
tmscrew it.
[] Replace with the same size bulb.
Donot touchthehoodlightbulbswhenthey
areon. Theymaybehotenoughtocause
{ Thehghtbulbsoperateatextremelyhtgh