Connecting the Water Supply Line
Install the stopping valve on the drinking pipe that is frequently
used recently.
1. Turn off the main water supplying pipe routine
Turn on the nearest tap till the water pipe is cleaned completely.
2. Choose the position of the valve.
Choose a position for the valve that is easy to be approached. It is recommended
that the valve is connected to the side of a vertical water pipe, and if it is really
needed to connect the valve to a level water pipe, connect it to the upside of the
water pipe not the downside, in case the sediment may flow out from the water
3. The hole of the drill valve
Drill a hole of 1/4 inches on the water pipe using a sharp drill (even using an
automatic valve). Clean the burr left on the water pipe by the drill.
4.Tighten the stopping valve.
Tighten the stopping valve on the cold water pipe using a pipe nip. Follow the
backed is unlawful in Massachusetts and is forbidden. Please consult the plumber's
mate with working license.
5. Tighten the pipe tip.
Don’t let the bolts of the pipe tip be too tight, otherwise the water pipe is pressed
6. The deposing line of the pipe
The deposing line between the cold water pipe and the refrigerator
the pipe line go through the hole.
Assure the pipe has an enough margin area( about 8 inches [2.4 meters] and make
it be three circles with the diameter of each circle about 10inches[25 centimeters],
and after this installment is done, the refrigerator can be moved away from the wall.