Henny Penny ESC-120 Electric Oven User Manual

Advanced Steam Technology
gives you
all of the bene ts of boiler technology with
fewer maintenance issues such as de-liming,
and lower operational costs through
improved energy and water conservation.
The Smart Menu
control panel makes
navigating the menu of cooking programs
easy. The items are grouped within categories
identi ed by simple graphics, saving time
and reducing the possibility of error.
The combined savings from more ef cient
use of time and labor, decreased downtime,
and lower energy bills means that in most
applications the SmartCombi
full lifecycle payback in 1-2 years.
Features like triple-glazed insulated glass doors
and our rear–mounted steam exhaust system help
reduce heat transference, increase overall energy
ef ciency by requiring less power to keep the
temperature constant and less air
conditioning to keep your operation cool.