Hickory Industries, Inc.
4900 Westside Avenue, North Bergen, New Jersey 07047
Tel: [201] 223-0050 Fax: [201] 223-0950
N/45 Series Manual12/00
Page 27 of 38
Figure 13. Incorrectly Spitted Chicken
This picture shows a chicken with the legs improp-
erly placed. Note how the chicken seems to hang to
one side. When spitted this way, the chickens will
tend to “bounce” up and down causing the chicken
to break-up.
Figure 14. Complete Spit
After inserting the first chicken, push it all the way
to the bottom of the spit and add the next chicken.
Depending on the size of the birds and on the
rotisserie model, each spit will accommodate three
to four 2
lb. chickens. Once completed, the spit
is ready to be placed in the rotisserie.