• Donot usecookwarethatextendsmorethan 1inch beyondthe edgeofthe cooking
• Donot usea small cookpotona largeelement. Notonlycan this causethe element
torequiremore energyandtime, but it canalso resultin spilloversburningonto the
elementwhichcause extra effortin cleaning.
• Donot usenonflatspecialtyitemsthat areoversized,uneven ordonot meetproper
cookwarespecifications such as round bottom woks with rings, rippled bottom
canners,andoversizedor non-flatbottomlobsterpots, largepressurecannersand
• Testcast ironwaresinceall arenotflat. Alsobecautionedagainstpossible"impact
damage"shouldthe heavycookpot be droppedon the glass-ceramicsurface.
Acceptablecanning pots shouldnot be oversizedand must havea flat bottom. When
cannersdonot meetthesestandards,the useof theHi settingbecomesexcessiveand
may result in damageto the cooktop. In addition, water may not come to a boil and
cannersmay not reach10 Ibs.of pressure.
TheacceptablecanningprocedureusestheHi settingjustlongenoughto bringthewater
to a boil,then lowerthe settingto maintainthe watertemperature.
Heavygauge cookpots with flat, smooth bottoms will usually work in a similar way.
However,thereare some differencesinthe cookingperformanceof various materials.
• Aluminum c5okpotsheatquicklyand evenly. Best suitedfor simmering,braising,
boilingand frying.
Note: Aluminum cookpotswill cause metalmarks on the glass-ceramicsurfaceif
you slidethem across thecooktop. Remove metalmarksimmediately.
• Stainless steel cookpots will evenly distribute heat if constructed of tri-ply or
combined with other metals such as aluminum and copper. Use for cooking
functionssimilarto aluminum.
• Castiron cookpots are slow to heat but cook more evenly once temperature is
reached. Usefor longterm low heatcookingor for browning andfrying.
• Porcelainenamel-on-steelorporcelainenamel-on-castironshouldbeusedaccord-
ing to manufacturer'sdirections. Do notallow to boil dry.
• Glass-ceramic,earthenware,heatproofglass orglazedcookpots mayscratchthe
glass-ceramiccooktop andtherefore are notrecommended.
Note Halogenelement: Aluminumcookpotsmaycausetheelementto cycleevenwhen
the controlsetting is Hi.