• Since thecontrolsare a push-turntype, they mustbe pushed
in before turning.
• TO set (from the OFF position),push in on control knoband
immediatelyturncountemlockwisetotheLtte setting. Afterthe
burner lights,turnthe knobtothe desiredflame size.
• tgniterwiltcontinuetosparkuntllknobisturnedcounterolockwisepastLiteposition.
• Note: The burner flame may lift off the burnerif a pan is not placed on the grate.
• Note FCG2010O Owners: The knob on your range has different graphics than those
shown. However, the knobwilloperate as describedbelow.
1. 2. 3, 4.
1.Left rearsurface bumer (12,000 BTUs) 3. Rightrearsurfaceburner(9,200 BTUs)
2. Left frontsurfaceburner(9,200 STUs) 4. Rightfrontsurfaceburner(12,000 BTUs)
No_: Usethe]eftrearordghtfronteurfacebumereonHiforlargequantJtycookingandcsnning
because the STU rate ishigher.
The controlsofferflexibilityinheatsettingselection.Aninfinitenumber ofsettingsexistbetween
HI and Lo. Atthe Hi setting,a detentmay befelt. For allsettingsotherthan Hi, simplyadjust
yourflame for best results.
The size andtype ofcookware and the amountand typeof foodbeingcooked wiltinfluence the
settingneeded for best results.Suggested se_ngs are provided as guidelines.
Hi: A fast heat to stal_ cooking quickly, to bring _
liquidstoa boil,topreheatoilfordeepfatfrying.
(MediumHigh) For fastfryingorbrowningoffoods,tomaintain
rapidboil oflargeamountsoffood,to maintain _
Meal: For mostfrying,sauteing,endstowboiloflarge
(MediumLo) ofF°rsimmering'rnaintainingb°i_°fsma_lemountSfood._
Lo: Maintaining serving temperatures of foods,