Jenn-Air FCG20100 Range User Manual

Important: ThisintervatTimercan be usedtoremindyouwhena period,upto9 hours
and 50 minutes,expires. It can be usedIndependently of any other even activityand
To set Timer:
1. Touch Timer Pad.
The IndicatorWordsSet Timer willflesh and ":00" appearsinthe Display.
2. Touchthe Up Arrow Pad untildesirednumberof hoursand minutesappearin
Note: Ifmore than30 secondselepsebetween touchingTimer Pad andtouching
theUp Arrow Pad, the Timer Pad mustbe touchedagain toset the numbers.
Important: When enteringhoursandminutes,hoursaretothe leftofthecolonwith
theHr Indicatorwordandminutesare tothe rightofcolon.Dudngthelastminute,
countdownwillbe shownin seconds.
Exemple: Touch the Up Arrow Pad untilthe Displayshows: "0HR:05" for 5
minutesor "5 HR:00"for 5 hoursand 0 minutes.
5 minutes
5 hoursand 0 minutes
Countdownwillautomaticallystartafter3 seconds. At endoftimeset,the Timer
willbeep (prolongedbeep) 1 time.
To cancel Timer:
1. Hold in Timer Pad for 3 seconds.
2. A. Touch Timer Pad
B, Touchthe Down Arrow Pad until":00" appearsin DisplayWindow.
NOTE: TouchingCancel/Off Pad will notcanceltimeroperationbutwillcancelALL1
selectedoven programming.